Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friday, 10/7/11

Friday, my good friend, Ulli, and I headed to Midway, GA to the factory greeting card store. It only opens every now and then, and usually it's on a Friday when we are working. We must have circled the store 4xs and spent around TWO HOURS shopping! :D Matti did fabulous. Of course, I bought a few "extras" that made their way into the basket. Below is a pic of some little notebooks that she just had to have.
After my buggy started getting fuller and fuller, people would walk near and look puzzled when they would hear singing/talking coming from my pile of "goodies". She was almost hidden and was hard to see after a little while. She was content inspecting all the cards and fun things, though.
This vest made me think of Danielle - the ultimate teacher holiday vest. I laughed out loud and emailed this picture to her. If money was not an option, I would have bought it to send to her.

1 comment:

  1. And believe me when I say I would have rocked it out too!!!:D
